Showing 1–12 of 30 results

5 villages of the Makah
In the territory of the Makah people, their lands were occupied by five separate villages. On the ocean, their property reached as far as the eye could see. The purpose of such a large domain was to feed the people of the five villages all year long. These included De-aht (Neah Bay), Ozette, Ba’eyda, Tsoo-Yess, and Why-atch. To occupy such territory was a big responsibility, having access to the ocean and the broad Strait between home and Vancouver Island. When they enterthe Strait of Juan de Fuca, Europeans found that the Makah controlled traffic in both directions, and they needed to respect the inhabitants and give value for safe travels.
- 2018
- Edition of 25
- 16” by 16”

Coastal Drumming Circle
The three entities in this design portray the power emanating from a coastal drumming circle. When we are drumming, the circle is in unison. It is like the Thunderbird, enveloping us all as one. It is beautiful feeling that resonates through every fiber of our being, and a collective experience that is truly sacred.
- 2001
- Edition of 50
- 17” by 17”

Coho in the Bay
One day a friend called to say, “The Coho are in the Bay!” Salmon return to the river of their birth after spending four years in their villages far out in the ocean. The Salmon People have been doing this annually since the beginning of time. Every year their return generates incredible excitement. Fisherman eagerly get their gear together hoping for a prosperous season so they can take care of their families. Years ago I was a fisherman. My friend’s call filled my mind with images of what it is like when “The Coho are in the Bay.”
- 2009
- Edition of 50
- 16 by 16”

Eagle Raven
Eagles and ravens are always together, whether on the beaches or in the forests, and in our oral traditions they celebrate all the stories, songs and dances they know.
- 2014
- Edition of 50
- 16” by 16”

Four Wolf Brothers
After the federal government signed treaties with the First Nations of the US, the Bureau of Indian Affairs gave everyone English names and enrollment numbers to keep track of us. They never enough cared to realize that we had a powerful sense of family and relationship with one another, which came about through a highly developed naming system that provided a system of order and rank.
- 2009
- Edition of 150
- 16 by 16”

Gearin Wolf Clan
Nytom has a brother that was raised by an Irish couple on the east coast of the U.S. with the last name Gearin. Early in his childhood he came to realize he was First Nations and would say to his adopted family, “One day I will live on a reserve”. He left the east coast and found his way to the northwest. After his schooling, he now works for the Federal Government as a fisheries biologist. This design represents his family, living life in a traditional way to find their path to the future, and remembering their past by honoring the present.
- 2010
- Edition of 50
- 16” by 16”

Killer Whale Wolf
First Nations of the NW Coast believe that killer whales and wolves are their brothers. Like wolves on land, killer whales hunt in packs and all share in the food, starting with the alpha male and female. Families composed songs and made regalia to depict the transformation of wolves into killer whales. In a marriage ceremony between two high-ranking clans from coastal tribes, singers of the groom’s family escort the bride from one side of the house to the family of the groom on the opposite side by surrounding her with dancers. The men mount a wooden fin on their backs to represent the whale, and wear a wolf’s skin on their shoulders to hide their identity. The dancers crawl alongside her like wolves and then transform, breaching like killer whales with the changing beat of the drum.

Kyuquot Sunset
During Tribal Journeys 2009, I met a young man who joined the Kyuquot Canoe Family. He was Principal of the School in our village and was interested in participating in the journey, to paddle with and learn about the people. We had many wonderful conversations, and he shared a teaching that has helped children to relax and pay attention to their lessons. Inviting an elder from the village to share their oral histories gave children a sense of pride and respect for their elders and helped them focus more diligently on their studies. Nytom discovered later that the man had lost his father to cancer and never had the opportunity to say goodbye. Kyuquot sun set was created to commemorate the passing of his father, and to illustrate that as long as remember the teaching of our elders, their spirit will never die.
- 2009
- Edition of 50
- 16” by 16”

Listening to My Inner Spirit
Nytom sometimes finds himself challenged with situations and not sure what direction he should turn or what action to take. There is a comfort, however, in knowing that his ancestors guide his actions and, like the wolves in this design, whisper to him and offer advice. All one has to do is listen.
- 2015
- Edition of 50
- 16” by 16”

Living in a Perfect World
Nytom often wonders what it would take to live in a perfect world: A place where people took only what they needed, left the rest for others and always got along. This image is what I imagined the world would be like if there was such a place.
- 2016
- Edition of 50
- 16” by16”

Pairing Wolves
Wolves mate for life, and Nytom often uses the wolf to inspire his imagination in creating new designs. In the cultures of coastal peoples the wolf means a great deal, and is used in ceremonies to remind us to first take care of our elders and young, before ourselves. The design shows two wolves paired off, looking at each other and another wolf pair yet to be born.
- 2016
- Edition of 50
- 16” by 16”